

ld: warning: instance method '_setupImageBubbleConstraints' in category from /Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-eirypcznequewjfuixwrkdxsqvqv/Build/Intermediates/App.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/App.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/EaseBubbleView+Image.o conflicts with same method from another category

ld: warning: instance method '_setupImageBubbleMarginConstraints' in category from /Users/apple/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-eirypcznequewjfuixwrkdxsqvqv/Build/Intermediates/App.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/App.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/EaseBubbleView+Image.o conflicts with same method from another category

ld: warning: instance method 'setClientConfigs:' in category from /Users/apple/Desktop/汉音/汉音IOS/App/Code/CustomView/HyphenateSDK/lib/libHyphenateSDK.a(EMOptions.o) overrides method from class in /Users/apple/Desktop/汉音/汉音IOS/App/Code/CustomView/HyphenateSDK/lib/libHyphenateSDK.a(EMOptions.o)

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in -[EMGroupManager getPublicGroupsFromServerWithCursor:pageSize:error:] to global weak symbol typeinfo for easemob::EMBaseObject means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.

ld: warning: direct access in std::__1::__shared_ptr_pointer, std::__1::allocator >::__get_deleter(std::type_info const&) const to global weak symbol typeinfo name for std::__1::default_delete means the weak symbol cannot be overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different visibility settings.
